Our kennel is still very young, it was established in 28.12.2000г.


In 1996 L-GERDA S BEREGA TURI arrived to our kennel.
L-Gerda s Berega Turi The best manufacturer 01-02-03Year
(v.M-Diler Aktses Skibi & Patricia Tork/She became the basic manufacturer of our kennel. Gerda had a stable estimation perfectly, was the prize-winner and winner of exhibitions..Though Герта also there are no loud titles, she(it) has appeared the very successful manufacturer. In 1999г Gerda Was tied with INT, Champion of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine Panther v.Blacriezen
/Мет.rott/ Was born 27.01.99г. 5 puppies:3 female и 2 male- Daniella, Deizi,Dan,Diller. Very interesting It have turned out Girl, but alas them did not expose, except for Deizi, Dan Had an estimation perfectly»
We have left to ourselves two puppies:
Diller и Deizi
Diller OKD-1,ZKS-2,Т-1,ККL-1,HD-A,Champion of Russia,7-CAC,4-RCAC,КЧК,4-BOS,BOB Mono-breed of an exhibition,III Place in a working class at a national exhibition of the Rottweilers 2002г-2003гг, The candidate in the champions of Ukraine.
Deizi The winner and prize-winner puppies Junior ,adults Best, Per 15 months to become the Best dog of an exhibition, Its her titles: 4-BEST of Breed Puppies,BIS-2.BIS-3.BIS-4,2-Best Junior ,CAC,4-RCAC,3-BOB,3-BIG,BIS,RBIS.,2-KRЧ . BUT, unfortunately after birth puppies she it was ill, and exhibition career Deizi was finished.
Unfortunately these dogs without a prefix of kennel.

In 2000 Gerda Have tied с
CH RUS Chris v.Bickesheim/ADRK/ Was born 03.01.00г. 6 puppies: 5 girls and boy :
Person non Grate Virdjinia
(2-Best puppies),Valensia (The prize-winner and winner of exhibitions,RCAC),Власта (CAC,3-RCAC,BIS Puppy,BISJ), Person non Grate Varo Unfortunately after sale was gone.
Person non Grate Varna
Champion of Russia, Ukraine, RFSS,RFLS.11-CAC.6-BOB.3-BIG.2-BIS,RBIG.BIS-3.BIS-4.КЧК, СС. ОКD-1,ZKS-2,Т-1
To regret. There were only two girls. As far as is insulting when the interesting dogs vanish, I think it is familiar to many owners of kennels.
Then .Gerda was tied with CHRUS Olburd Yaho(INT. CH DT VDH.UA, RU, RKF, KAZ, SchH3, IPO 2
BEN VOM DER SCERAU/АДРК/ &Irka Olburd) From the given combination was received Person non Grate Jofrei The winner and prize-winner puppies Junior Best. Was born 7 puppies 4 Girls and 3 boy , But, From all Was allocated only Jofrei.
Then, was tied Gerda with CHRUS Enzo s Berega Turi. Was born 8.03.02г. 7 puppies: 6 Girl and boy. Person non Grate Gerszog-ЛЮ,
Person non Grate Gushi ,2-ЛЩ,young Champion of Russia,4-CAC,candidate in the Champions of Russia The Best Junior .2-The Best Junior Bitch ,BIS-1.BIS-3..4-САС; Person non Grate Gledis-2-Best Junior Bitch, The Best Junior, Candidate to a Club Junior Champion.3-The Best Junior Bitch span> Person non Grate Galatea candidate in the Champions of Russia The Best Junior .2-The Best Junior ; Person non Grate Galaktika,Gloria,Getera- Are not exposed.
Unfortunately people are not so ready to go on exhibitions,&Though not which of them "exhibition" turns out "to infect" by this illness under the name quot;

The grandsons also are exposed: Gerda:
DEIZI Was tied with CH RUS Quanto v.Vilstaler Land Ланд/ADRK/, WAS BORN 26.01.01 9 puppies: 6 male и 3 female; From the given combination Were received: Person non Grate Baik (2-х ЛБ, BIS-3),Batler(2-CW,RCAC),Baksi(2-ЛБ,Bakster(2-х BISJ),Bavaria (Best of Junior,САС,BOS,СС) , The regret from this помета still had only two girls Person non Grate Bavaria and Person non Grate Baksi( At the given moment is tied withCH RUS ,2-КЧК,ККЛ-1,IPO-1 Trofim s Berega Turi ,the birth puppies is expected 15-16.08.2004г).
Person non Grate Varna Was tied with Int.CH RUS.UA,KAZ Panther v..Blacriezen/Mett.rott/ :Three puppies were born 29.12.01г : Two girls and one boy : Person non Grate Viking(Best Junior, Candidate to a The candidate in the Champions of Russia,7-CAC.2-BOB. BIG,RBIS ,BIG-1,BIS-2,BIS-2/ мес/4- BOB.6-BOS),Vanessa(candidate in the Champions of Russia)
Person non Grate Varna была повязана с Was tied with Waro v.d.Burthann : 3 puppies: Person non Grate Diva-Лучший щенок монопородной выставки, Person non Grate Diamant /Beautiful male, but unfortunately owners do not expose),Person non Grate Daniel. Then Person non Grate Varna was tied with INT. CH DT VDH.UA, RU, RKF, KAZ, SchH3, IPO 2 Ben von der.Scherau/ADRK/. were born 31.10.2003г. 5 puppies: 4 boy and one the girl : Person non Grate Zidan (4-Best of puppyБК,RBIS), Person non Grate Zaskia / ЛБ,RBIS,2-Best of puppy/, Person non Grate Zinoviy / 2-RCW,большая перспектива/, Person non Grate Zahar/The large prospect 4/ ,Person non Grate Zeidorf / BIS Puppy male/. We to ourselves have left the boy and girl: Person non Grate Zidan и Person non Grate Zaskia . This time we have left puppies tails, was not habitual, but to this is fast Get used. Anything terrible in it is not present, if a tail correct, .

At the given moment Person non Grate Varna, Is tied with Ch. Ua, Ch. Rus, Ch. Md, IPO-1, AD, ZTP, HD-frei, ED-frei 13-САС,3-САСИВ,3-RCACIB Morrovon der. Scherau /ADRK/. Birth puppies is expected in The beginning of September, 2004.

Always Are glad to dialogue with the true judges of breed ROTTWEILER!!!


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